C++ code for Infix to Postfix conversion
#include#include using namespace std; int position1=-1; int position2=-1; void push1(int (*k)[200][200],int a ){ if (position1==200) { cout<<"Stack One Overflow"< int count1=0; int count2=0; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { string ans=""; int sum; int value; int Dstack[200][200]; int (*pointer)[200][200]=&Dstack; for (int i=0; i<200; i++){ cout<<"Enter value :"<>value; if (value<=1000){ push1(pointer,value); count1++; } else if(value>1000){ push2(pointer,value); count2++; } else cout<<"The value you entered is not valid"; sum=count1+count2; cout<<"Continue Yes / No ? \n"; cin>>ans; if(sum==200||ans=="No"|| ans=="no"){ cout<<"Total number of elements in both stack is "<